Baguette Bread Sandwich

Boat Shape Baguette Bread Sandwich


If you are looking for an alternative to your regular dishes, this boat-shaped baguette recipe is your best choice. This sandwich is easy to make, healthier, and tastes great—like pizza.


Time preparation: 25 minutes

No of serving: 3



Baguette bread: 1

Eggs: 2

Spring onion: 1 tsp

Capsicum: 1 tsp

Baked chicken: ¼ cup (optional cauliflower or mushroom, potato, etc.)

Cheddar cheese: ¼ cup

Salt: ½ tsp

Crushed pepper: 1 tsp


      1. Chop spring onion and capsicum (bell pepper) into a long-finger shape.

2.         Add 2 eggs, followed by salt and pepper in a bowl, and beat it well.

3.         Now, take the bread and cut the upper layer into a thin form; take out the lower layer of bread, and form some space-like boat shape.

4.         Pour the beaten eggs into the bread and add some onion, capsicum, chicken, and cheese.

5.       Preheat the oven to 400 F for 15 minutes and bake the bread for 20 minutes (or until it is cooked completely).

6.       Once the bread has achieved the crust form and the egg is cooked, take it out of the oven.

7.          Cut into slices and ready to enjoy.

8.         Write to me in the comments about how you liked it.


cut the  upper layer of the bread

empty the lower layer 

add two eggs followed by salt & pepper

fill up the egg mixture into the empty layer

add onion & capsicum & chicken

sprinkle some cheese & keep in the oven for 15 minutes

bread sandwich is ready

cut them into slices & ready to serve
