VIP Juice

                     VIP (Vitamins, Iron, and Potassium) juice

    Are you a fresh juice lover? Then there is the natural colorful refreshing juice. One glass of trio juice contains all the rich supplements for our body. Now let's prepare crunchy juice and get refreshed.

Preparation time: Less than 10 minutes

Serving persons: 2


watermelon (half cup)

carrot 1 (medium size)

orange 1(medium size)

dates 2

ice cubes (1 cube)

Add carrot, dates, and orange grain in the blender and make it into small pieces (it will not blend into a smooth paste, needs to be crunchy).  Now add the watermelon to the blend. Water is not necessary since watermelon does the exact job. Only add extra water if needed. Transfer it to a glass jar with ice cubes (optional) and add mint if you love the flavor. Share with me how you like crunchy VIP juice.



 add carrot, orange , dates in blender

  texture looks like crunchy 

  adding watermelon  into  the blender

                                                                                 transfer the juice to a glass jar

tasty crunchy trio juice ready





