Barley soup

                                                                         Creamy Barley Soup

If you are searching for a healthy rich soup, then you have come to the right place. Barley Soup is tasty and highly rich in protein. This soup contains all the nutritional values and you will feel more energetic. It is simple and easy to prepare.

Preparation time: 15 minutes (Using a pressure cooker)

                                 25 minutes (Using saucepan)

No of serving: 4

Ingredients to prepare the soup:

barley 1 cup (156 grams)

carrot ¼ cup (40 grams)

beans ¼ cup (40 grams)

crushed garlic and ginger 1tsp (5 grams)

coriander leaves and mint 1Tbp (1.88 grams)

spring onion 2Tbp (13 grams)

fresh grounded pepper ½ tsp (1.15 grams)

salt ½ tsp (3 grams)

butter ½Tbp (7.6 grams)

cooked barley water 1cup (237 grams)


Soak the barley in water overnight or for 6 hours. Once the soaked barley looks soft take a pressure cooker strain the soaked barley and add to the cooker followed by 3 cups (700 ml) of water and close the lid. Now keep on medium heat until 3 whistles, then switch off the flame let the pressure come down strain the water.  Keep the barley water for later use.

In a saucepan add butter followed by crushed ginger and garlic sauté it until the raw smell is gone (low flame) and add the spring onion, carrot, and beans (don’t overcook that can soften the vegetables). Once the vegetables are half cooked, add mint and coriander. Sauté it well once you smell the flavor of mint now add the grounded barley paste and add the barley water that you previously saved. Add salt and stir. Let it boil until it comes to creamy constancy. Now add the fresh ground pepper and coriander.

Boiling barley in a saucepan (boiling time20 minutes):

Add 4 cups of water with a pinch of salt and allow it to boil. Once the water is boiled, add the soaked barley and close it with a lid. Keep the stove to simmer and allow the barley to cook well then strain the barley also don’t forget to keep the barley water.

Simple tips for the creamy soup:

*Barley should be soaked well.

*Never overcook the barley.

*In case of over water in the soup and the creamy texture does not arrive keep on a low flame and allow the water to get observed once the creamy constancy is found off the flame.

*You can also add some more vegetables of your choice and taste like (peas, sweetcorn, capsicum, cabbage, etc)



cooked barley



 cooked barley water

chopped vegetables

add butter and saute

grain the barley

barley paste

add the paste

barley soup ready

add  ground pepper

tasty barley soup ready


